Saturday, April 30, 2011


May we be granted the serenity and wisdom to understand the divine mystery of passion and ressurection - THE BECOMING THROUGH 'UN-BECOMING', THE POWER OF BECOMING POWERLESS and THE LIFE THROUGH DYING. May this 'Friday', 'Saturday' and 'Sunday' become the trajectory of our discipleship. We pray this in the name of the One who is seen upon the Cross, saying 'It is Finished' and unseen in the Tomb, for HE IS RISEN'. Amen.


To the mountain of sand,
I told my story.
And in the end,
He remained unmoved.
To a drop of water,
I told my story.
And she became a rain,
Yes, down poured.
...And the rain flood into her heart,
Where I believed my destiny lied,
She stood string with me,
Like an unmoved mountain,
Held my hand in her's,
Made me trust in myself,
To move through,
The dark tunnels of confusions...